A Few of Our Favorite Things

2020 is wrapping up and, wow, what a time to be alive. It’s fair to say that this year has been a weird one. There’s a lot of reason to feel hopeful – the human embodiment of hatred and ego is leaving the White House, for one (BYE!). And we’ve got hints that the pandemic is not, in fact, going to last forever. All things are impermanent, including the coronavirus and bullies. It’s a great relief to understand this truth, especially during difficult times.
But it ain’t over yet. Winter is only just beginning, and as we are all asked to hunker down inside once more, we at Dayani Law Firm thought we’d pause on posting about legal rights and share instead some things that have both lended perspective on the impermanence of this moment as well as given us some good ol’ enjoyment.
- A Promised Land by Barack Obama, the audiobook. Damn, this man is inspiring. As two small time millennials who watched from our 2008 college couches in excitement and wonder as Obama was elected President, it is so cool to listen back to what was going on behind the scenes at that time, how his path brought him to the Presidency and through it. Love his honesty and intelligence, his equanimity through the storms, and his unwavering belief in the goodness of people. Audiobook version recommended because he reads it himself and does impressions of people which is very funny and also we miss hearing his voice after the last 4 years.
- This meditation by Anavadya Taylor. Every time we sit through it, we drop out of whatever is plaguing our worried little minds (Cases and clients! Families! Politics! Pandemic!) even for a short moment, and settle a level deeper inward, underneath it all where we are always ok. Anytime and anywhere, you can float like a star in the galaxy, for free! How’s that for a bargain? We’ve both greatly benefited from the guidance of Anavadya as a therapist and teacher and we cannot recommend her more highly. (anavadya.com)
- The show, Twin Peaks. This show is so weird and bingeable. It hovers around your brain after you watch it, in a good way. What starts out as a murder mystery soon smacks of supernatural things and otherworldly forces, different dimensions and time sandwiches. We find Agent Dale Cooper inspiring and try to emulate him in our daily life, starting with drinking more coffee and eating more pie.
- All things analog. Recently we purchased a record player inspired by Andre’s brother who, from LA, teaches us what is cool (thank ya Danilo). We are completely geeked out by the ritual of vinyl. There is a beautiful commitment involved in picking a record and playing it all the way through, focusing your attention completely on one artist’s one piece of art. And the hipsters don’t lie – there really is something so bewitching about the sound of vinyl. We’ve also stocked up on paper books (from Paper Boat Booksellers – cutest bookstore you ever did see, and they ship online too) and have been really enjoying the feel of turning paper pages after a long time of reading only by devices. We aren’t swearing off technology and phones, but we sometimes do prefer things more tactile and slow. It feels nice.
What is bringing you both enjoyment and perspective these days? To everything turn, turn, turn. We are with you. Stay safe and rest up out there.