Stepping Out of the Dark Suit (published in the Washington State Bar News Magazine)
Stepping Out of the Dark Suit (This article, authored by Lauren Dayani, was published in the Washington State Bar News Magazine April/May 2021 edition) I was admitted to the Bar in 2012, and I guess you could call me a millennial. Coming out of law school at the...
Marijuana DUIs in Washington State (Everything You Need to Know – Part 2)
Marijuana DUIs in Washington State (Everything You Need to Know - Part 2) In our last post, we broke down what a marijuana DUI is in Washington state, and how to best navigate interaction with the police if you are stopped in your vehicle after consuming any...
Marijuana DUIs in Washington State (Everything You Need to Know Part 1)
Marijuana DUIs in Washington State (Everything you need to know, Part 1) We live in a legalized world when it comes to marijuana in this state, and there is a blooming industry around it - cannabis shops are as common as coffee shops these days. Cannabis is a great...
Self Responsibility, An Encore (Underinsured Motorist Coverage)
Self Responsibility, An Encore (Underinsured Motorist Coverage) A couple weeks ago, we made a hard case for self-responsibility. It's a concept we embrace; we are not victims to the decisions and actions of others, because we always take our own action. Like, for...
A Few of Our Favorite Things
A Few of Our Favorite Things 2020 is wrapping up and, wow, what a time to be alive. It's fair to say that this year has been a weird one. There's a lot of reason to feel hopeful - the human embodiment of hatred and ego is leaving the White House, for one (BYE!). ...
A Note On Self-Responsibility (and Uninsured Motorist Coverage)
A Note On Self-Responsibility (and Uninsured Motorist Coverage) We cannot control other people. It's one of humanity's most ancient laws. You can't MAKE anyone do something, even if you want them to (so, so badly), even if you know it is best for them, even if you...